Monthly Archives: September 2016

Beauty Spots

Beauty Spots – spotted in city, park, square and pavement

Beauty spots – in the city, spots against your expectations: wild water forms and nature

spots, calling upon your eyes and mind – see what lies before you – and calling your

attention like oases, breathing spaces, opportunities for expansion, to stretch out and

reach somewhere that leads from here to fertile land for imagination, to think again, to

reach elsewhere, further, beyond the usual rhythm that you are used to: find another,

different voice! With open eyes look at forms and shapes that emerge around you!

Discover things when looking at it from different angles, find your own perspectives on

things! Look at the sky above you, the pavement beside you, find the aesthetics of the

moment, the hidden wonders of what develops with the light effect of the sun and the

shadows it makes and spreads across the ground. Look out for light-streams, reflections,

inversions, additions, for there is magic in how things appear!

Beauty spots arise in any moment, so walk carefully, mindfully, optimistically, stop

frequently, it’s all there, unfolding, ever in motion in every place, at any time and space

happening – blissfully, peacefully, fantastically – among the elements.

(photos taken, in order of appearance, in 1. Letchworth; 2. Highams Park; 3. Hampstead; 4 Walthamstow, 5. Turnham Green; 6. Hackney; 7. Clapton Pond; 8. Turnham Green; 9. Walthamstow, Hampstead and Clapton; 10. Hackney; 11. Letchworth; 12. Hackney; 13. Clapton Pond; 14. Letchworth and Clapton Pond; 15. Walthamstow).


An Orkney Odyssey

Orkney Odyssey – shapes, wonders, Papa Westray!

On top of Scotland there’s a little archipelago – or at least it looks little, it’s not that small! It’s this not-as-small-as-it-looks association of islands that’s called Orkney! Orkney has many parts: there are lots of islands making up the Orkney whole: on big one in the middle, some medium sized ones around it, and lots of little ones.

It’s all here, on top, if you go past Britain’s ‘north pole’ John O’Groats! Beyond this north pole, there’s a whole world out there! There’s here, there’s Orkney, and there’s there, there’s Shetland – both of which are big once you get there. Even more far away, there’s the Faroe Islands too, the far islands! These are just some of the destinations in this island-dominated world of the north, which belongs both to the North Sea and the massive Atlantic.

And now I am here, in Orkney! Do you remember the Shipping Forecast? Cape Wrath to Rattray Head, including Orkney? Now this includes me!

How did I get there? I took the Orkney Bus from Inverness, and this Orkney Bus takes you to the ferry for pedestrians at John O’Groats. This is an amazing coastline place which in itself is worth stopping at. It has a beautiful coastal path that leads to the Ness of Duncansby, the Lighthouse with its headland.

So from here goes the ferry to Orkney: eight miles away and forty minutes to go! It takes that long because the current is strong, it’s the Pentland Firth, and it’s forceful! So, mainland Scotland goes out with a bang. What’s behind it, behind the waves, is really a mixture of Scottish and Scandinavian roots. Even Orkney’s flag looks very much like Norway, the only difference is that what’s white in the Norwegian flag is yellow in the Orkney flag: the red and the blue and the design are identical.

Kirkwall! St. Magnus the celebrated ancient legendary peacemaker! Engravings on the church wall that might make you think you are connected to the Incas, or the Aztecs, so rousing is the shamanic energy. Then see, sea:  Scapa Flow at peace! What once was forced to take on troubles of the world now looks as splendid as it has been. This is what awaits you!

Then the islands and their shapes! Some are round, like Hoy and Rousay, some are long, and some have many corners, like Shapinsey, Stronsay and Eday. The most imaginative shapes are Westray and Sanday, which appear almost like twins, facing each other. Their quirky shapes also remNinds me of the kind of forms you see in Rorschach tests, where one island is a mirror of the other island. As it is with Westray and Sanday, so it is with the islands next to them: Papa Westray and North Ronaldsay. They are little the little ones, and they are situated at the top side of each of the bigger islands, again mirroring each other, like in a Rorschach test, or also like in a near-symmetrical structure.

Shapes. Ancient times. There’s a lot of archaeology all over Orkney. There are masses of evidence and excavations of ancient civilsations. In fact, Orkney is so rich in archeological stuff that it’s also called the Egypt of the North! There’s a stone circles and ancient settlements en masse!

There’s also a lot of seaweed! A lot! And in its most wonderful constellations! Kelp, marine algae, all looking like pretty decoration. With different colours and different types: there’s one that looks like it’s got chickpeas inside!


Echoes of shapes everywhere! Not just islands mirroring each other but there’s more international echoes too. Papay – that’s the short form for Papa Westray – has the shape of mainland Scandinavia, i.e.  Norway and Sweden combined! Such a small island representing such a big shape!

And then, as an internal echo, Papay’s loch has an outline similar to that of the Holm, Papay’s side-island.

When I arrived in Kirkwall, I met my artist friend IreneLafferty, and we set out to Papay together. You can take a boat to get there, but to my surprise it takes a long time, it takes longer than going from John O’Groats to Orkney – though the distances within Orkney looks smaller than the distance through the Pentland Firth to Scotland. There is no direct boat every day, so we took the plane, a very small plane which looks more like a minibus with wings. On its way to Papay it stops in Westray, and once you’ve stopped there, you will be on your shortest scheduled flight ever, for this flight holds the world record for being short!

When you arrive, you’ll see the flight path is marked onto the pretty dry stone dykes. And there we were, in sub-arctic paradise – with the skies wide and the water and the land magic and spacious, generous! Again, it’s bigger than you think! Measure it not by its size but by its coastline, its seals and sunsets, its puffins and arctic terns, its fulmars and its perennial saw thistles everywhere! And by its ancient settlements and its ancient graves, the settlement being on the island and the graves, the remarkable cemetery, being on the Holm.

And then there is modern Papay: an artist’s and birder’s island and a co-op.  The whole of the island works as a co-op, with a single supermarket. It’s a communitarian model! Its neighbour Westray is another whopper, it’s a fair trade island! The lovely community-run hostel, Beltane House, where we were staying is a centre for the whole island on Saturday nights. And it has got that island shop with it as well. And there’s a lovely arts centre called the Kelp Store, there’s another one called Papey Listskjul and there is a museum. For an island of just 85 inhabitants that is magic! Partly it’s so buzzing with art activity because it has attracted so many writers and artists from elsewhere to come and live here. Papay inspires and its focus on the arts is a good example for everyone!

Now as Irene and I went to Papay together, we were thinking of doing something arty together whilst there. As we have worked as an artist-model due before, we could do the same in Papay. Our friend Esther Bunting was meanwhile organising a life drawing/modelling event at the Edinburgh Fringe. So here was our time-cue! We would do our event at the same time as her!  Audience came from far and wide, not just from the island but also from Kirkwall, including famous Stromness artist Diana Leslie!

So in the Kelp Store (which of course takes its name from the Kelp making process), Irene and me did a life drawing event, organised together with the local team of multi-talented organisers around Julian Branscombe. We also had some lyrical life drawing. That means, I modelled and I also did some poetry at the end whilst modelling (poetry poses).  Posing on Papay! What an honour.

There’s a lot more to tell of the wonderful world of Orkney, but now I’ll end on the art-highlight. But then there’s lots of art everywhere, just look around you and be amazed at the nature and all! I wrote lots of poems and took lots of photos, a few of which are here of course. But there are lots more words and images to share! And for yet more (verifications of this dreamland), go there!


Our Grassroots EU Opportunity

Our Grassroots EU Opportunity – Identity / Politics / psychology

Provided Britain remains in the EU, our current EU support movement presents a great opportunity.  All of a sudden the masses have come out! We give thanks to the EU and explain what it means to us, what it has meant for us all these years, what EU has enabled us to do. We have a discussion, an articulation, and we go public with it.

These debates could then be carried into the corridors of the EU and make it an even better version of itself: where discussion happens on questions and issues affecting us, or some of us, in some or in all of our countries – and where then, as a result of this discussion, policies can be made and decisions taken and debated.

Each country a house, with Brussels as our village hall, where we get together and exchange. So it’s not true that each country isn’t independent, because after all each country is a house (so there is control!), but the point of Brussels is that there we have a forum to all gather – to get together on issues affecting all of us, such as human rights, environmental rights, trade , allocation of funding etc. Brussels as a market square because somewhere we need spaces to meet, it’s just like a community needs a community centre. So there’s an extra opportunity there, an additional separation of powers, a chance to not just come together on a national basis, but on an international basis as well.

Why object to this? If councils take away spaces for the community, we are upset and start campaigning for a space for us. So why all of a sudden campaign against our community centre Brussels?

Ok, there are the imperfections, the things that need change: there is a lot of bureaucracy in Brussels, and there even some rules on some issues that don’t make (a lot of) sense. But this is where our opportunity for a grassroots EU comes in as a result of our movement! This opportunity is to reinforce the positives of the EU – the meeting spaces (for trade and for ourselves), the commitment to peace – and then to work on these further. In the words of that old song, we’ve got to accentuate the positive (and eliminate the negative)!

The Background – a ‘psychological assessment’, Identity!

 The immediate background to this is now the crisis we are in. And the crisis is the rejection of the bigger picture that we live in, fear that this bigger picture might be too big, or impact adversely on the smaller picture which is the UK. But then this smaller picture can forget or ignore how it’s benefited and is benefitting from the bigger one: misinformation, or lack of information. And so there’s this smaller versus bigger picture thing going on: size, frame, horizon: do you like broadening your horizons or do you like to stay limited?

So it’s fear, mis/lack of information – the perceived adverse effects, such as having to ‘share’ coastlines, are not offset against all the greater benefits of money received from the EU. And then this leads to unwillingness to share.

Secondly, there’s misinterpretation too: some voters equated the EU with capitalism. As if Britain would become a socialist country outside the EU! The vast majority of Brexiters are nowhere near socialist in orientation! And as if capitalism hadn’t caused problems for decades and centuries before the EU.

Thirdly, this is an identity crisis. ‘What is Britishness?’ has popped up as a question before in cultural studies, some sociologists etc, which often was a discussion borrowed from the postcolonial studies debate, with which I am so familiar. Here, identity was always an important question, as people engaged in this debate are used to unjust marginalisation – so it’s a different background to the EU thing but it has great insights about this big question of identity. Postcolonial questions are: ‘what does it mean to be black? Do you identify as Black, British, African, European, or all or some of this, or something else, are you woman first and then black, black first and then woman, or does it depend on the situation? There’s hybridity, the transcultural, there’s bicultural, dual heritage, and all that. There is ‘double consciousness’ a term from early civil rights writer W.E.B. Du Bois, which is useful to this debate, too: applied here it could be that simple truth that you can identify as both British and European.

As a foreigner, familiar too with the whole ‘Where are you from’ scenario, I had always identified closely with the postcolonial debate. The issue of ‘race’ was in there, civil rights and black feminism, otherness and the race/ gender/class matrix. I have also been familiar with the disinterest of many white people in these questions.

Some academics, activists and artists, both black and white, have tried to extend the debate to what Britishness could mean. At this point a crossroads was reached: some arguing for multiculturalism whereas others were bringing back more old-fashioned ‘British’ and ‘English’ exclusivity and with it a pride always bordering on dangerous – as national prides of imperial countries are. Hence people were coming to entirely different conclusions about that identity question, some in keeping with the postcolonial tradition, but others arguing the opposite.

Enter the EU: many of us had taken European-ness for granted, without necessarily making it an explicit identity. But we like travelling, we like our croissants, our paninis, our tzatziki, our pizza, spaghetti and wine and all that, and we like the exchange with people of other countries. We’ve travelled there or settled there, we’ve worked there or studied there. And I am ‘from there’.

Others have received subsidies from the EU for farming or other, but not all were aware of it. And so it happened that quite a few people who got EU subsidies but didn’t know it voted leave. Yet others got stuck on the issue of immigration, seeing it as unfair competition, rather than the indispensible contribution that immigrants make to this country. Immigration was seen as a cultural issue too: immigrants challenge Englishness! (identity again!) As if cultures hadn’t been mixed before! As if colonialism had never happened!

Enters the reverbs of history: the legacy of colonialism upon us all: colonialism had opened up inequality on a world scale, whereby ‘colonies’ overseas were exploited, and wealth accumulated selectively (mainly among the upper classes) in this and in other western European countries. The Cold War also contributed to an impoverishment of the Eastern bloc. Therefore people from such exploited countries (southern, eastern) are now more likely to have to become immigrants. But us western Europeans too often forget these reasons and this history, and so misunderstandings and hatred and ‘vote leave’ arises.

Thing is that voting leave didn’t just hurt immigrants, it hurts this country and its citizens as well, and even more.

These negative consequences are not grasped by many who thought that voting leave was such a macho thing to do. It must have felt so cool to vote ‘I can do things by myself’, I don’t ‘need help’, ‘I want control’: the thought process of ‘help’ being a manipulation of ‘team-work’. What a macho thing to do, to misconstrue actions and relations to be something else so as to dismiss them.

And this misconstruction and manipulation (even if unconsciously) leads leave-voters to overlook that apart from immigrants, imports are at stake, exports are at stake: ie. trade; passports are at stake, ie. visa free travel, the country’s unity with Scotland and Northern Ireland is at stake, the country’s outpost in Gibraltar is at stake, the country’s citizens living abroad, and more.

Much Ado about What?

The tiny majority on whose behalf Theresa May for one seems to want to act, that tiny majority doesn’t exist anymore! So it’s all become absurd! Trying to do Brexit has become much ado about nothing because that little something, that tiny majority, has shifted. So to still try to negotiate a brexit would be much ado about absurdity/nothing.

There are, of course, leave voters who haven’t shifted. And now this is where a debate on the meaning of democracy has to come in:  what does it mean now to act democratically? If we, as a country, are ‘split in half’, then which half should be considered? And here’s the heart of the issue, which sounds at first undemocratic but turns out not to be so: we have to consider the ‘Remain’(ing) half, and for these reasons:

. To ensure the unity of the country, to respect Scotland and Northern Ireland,

. To respect Gibraltar

. To respect the Isle of Man (they didn’t have a vote as they are not part of the UK but affiliated to both it and the EU, and therefore implicated in a brexit.

. To ensure the country can continue to maintain itself economically.

. Because leave-voters don’t seem to be able to anticipate the harm they are causing even to themselves: if, in the airports, citizens from Spain to Ireland, from Finland to Romania, Brits could no longer go through visa-free, whereas everyone else (of these 27 countries), then they too will likely find this to be an inconvenient discrimination: at that stage they will then be likely to regret their vote. So it’s back to that first image I gave about being able to see the bigger picture. Leavers will not all disagree with us Remainers in the end, but they might think so now if they can’t picture the enormity of the consequences (the bigger picture) and deprivations they/we will face. Therefore the ability to foresee consequences of actions must be respected over the lack thereof, in the name of our common good.

Leave voters are often patriotic, but what I can see is that they are neglecting their own country, in stopping vital funding for farming and for scientists, and in ignoring the voice of two regions of this country: as if England wants to live on as a separate small country, possibly without London too. So now it’s ironically us Remainers who are more patriotic in a way, because we don’t want this country to go down the drain and break up or down or both.


And don’t forget that Brexit is actually a trick because it hasn’t been named properly: the word ‘Brexit’ has arisen out of ‘Grexit’, and this is where the confusion arises. Grexit referred to the Greece’s danger to leave the Eurozone, whereas Brexit refers to Britian’s idea of leaving the EU!  So in the former case we are merely talking about a currency, whereas in the latter case we are talking about leaving the whole of the EU! So that’s a massive difference. The Eurozone and the EU are two very clearly different things: and the EU does not prescribe which currency a country has. Aside from Britain, Denmark and Sweden don’t have the Euro, but they are clearly part of the EU! So a Brexit is much more consequential than a Grexit would ever have been. You can live with your own currency easily but you can’t live so comfortably without a passport that gives you free access to a whole continent and trade.

Brexit is self-harm!

In summary, if you look at the many aspects of the problems of a Brexit, it could well be described as an act of self-harm.

And as a top-up, here’s another simple logic to show how remaining is better for all of us: look at the issue of migration and find that migration will occur no matter whether or not a country is in the EU or not. So the only choice now is this: to accept migration and to have access to the Single Market; or to accept migration and not to have access to the Single Market. Ah, you would go for the option that includes access to the Single Market, wouldn’t you? So keep it as it is, stay in!