Monthly Archives: May 2021

Growing, Weaving, Reaching

CurrentINDOORS: at the ‘Rum Story Gallery’. Whitehaven. until 18th July. (previously at: ‘Viola Tricola’ exhibition, Carlisle 18 – 27th June (flyer: ART-icles, Sculptures

Next OUTDOORS: change of date:/ place: now on the 25th July in Morton (the one in Brampton, Harraby and Longtown have changed dates due to the lockdown extension) previously at Bitts Park on the 30th May at the Plant, Food and Wellbeing Fest, before that at Vulcan Park (10th – 16th May) – As trees branch out, I do likewise. Like a mycchoriza, rising, my art runs like a red thread, and of other colours too, and trees and places.

Look out, look through: the view from here is amazing: Here is my ‘tree of the week’, lined up, alongside several yarn-bombing works of art, in Vulcan Park, Workington, for Mental Health Awareness Week, alongside several other amazing yarn bombing artworks on trees and on benches in the park – with thanks to Amy and all!

The tree journey continues: next stop will be in Bitts Park, Carlisle, on the 30th May. Then each Sunday throughout July in a different place around Carlisle: starting in Brampton on the 11th, Longtown on the 18th and Morton on the 25th: and the Harraby date (used to be on the 4th July) will now be on the 27th August, with a tree, or other kind of sculpture popping up amidst lots of other lovely pop ups and things to enjoy: more details coming soon.

There’s more info too coming on what will be happening in June, regarding tree threading and all that, and in August – a route along tree roots and around trunks and branches is underway for each month, and more.

Updates on other art projects will be happening soon too, but for now I will end with these notes I wrote down just after I finished doing this my Tree of the Week pictures above in the park:

Tree thread text (after finishing my ‘sculpture’ in it): ‘the thread turns over and over, gets on top of itself and into itself in various expected accidental knots. Every now and then an anomaly in the way I lay the thread, loose ends develop, and I tie them to each other. I tie more knots than anticipated, establish with more than just linear connections. A network develops, a web without a spider but a tree. The tree I thread turns from a trunk into three branches, like a tree-nity, the yarn makes it look almost knitty. But I keep to the lines, and don’t know how many I have got in the end. They all add to the view, and ways of seeing develop, including ways of noticing the spaces between the branches too: one is pointed, the other one is round. There is so much variation, so much to notice. Tree-mendous!’

Vulcan Park is now full of art for this week, trees pointed out with yarn. Vulcan park has erupted like a peaceful vulcano, bringing up our wishes and visions, in a quest to grow, like a trees do, with their branches and networks working all around, reaching out, to each other and ourselves.